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Vively member since September 2023

June 11, 2024

Why did you sign up to Vively?

I met Tim at a Fitness Expo in Sydney. As a Sport and Exercise Physician I am always interested in lifestyle interventions that could benefit my patients. I am always interested in learning about the body and seeing how our lifestyles can impact our metabolic response. I was curious to see how Vively could benefit users and hence signed up for the journey!

What did you learn from wearing the CGM?

I learnt a lot about myself, my lifestyle and how this impacted what was happening inside me. I wore the CGM over two different periods. The first period was a real fact-finding mission. Although I considered myself relatively healthy, I wasn’t disciplined with my diet and exercise and regularly took the poorer choice. I was able to clearly see this reflected in my glucose readings which were notably erratic. Following the first 2 weeks of using the CGM, I made changes to my lifestyle which I would say were relatively simple. I incorporated regular exercise and made better food choices. I took on board suggestions that Charlotte (Vively's dietitian) made which encouraged me to be more intuitive. In the second period of using the CGM I could see the difference as I achieved more stable glucose responses. What was also significant was that days where I did let myself go did not trigger an erratic response like it had previously. I was able to visualise the benefits of the changes I made and be much more relaxed when I did decide to treat myself!

What has been your biggest win so far?

Vively has served as another tool to learn more about myself. Although I felt I understood my metabolic responses to food and exercise, seeing this in practice enhanced this further. It served a timely reminder of the importance of making better choices. Having Charlotte there to support was a great motivation and helped me realise the value of small but significant changes. I have been able to incorporate these into my everyday life without feeling I have done anything drastic.

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